Kompanija SAFE SYSTEM  distribuira brendove najviših kvalitativnih i dizajneskih standarda u opremanju enterijera. Safe System shoowroom se nalazi na adresi Bulevar Milutina Milankovića 1ž u sklopu poslovne zgrade Navigator.

Safe System d.o.o.
Bulevar Milutina Milankovića 1ž, Poslovna Zgrada Navigator, 11070 Beograd, Srbija
+381 62 145 9692


Flure System
A sealed linear modular system with minimalist design, Flure is a range of outdoors surface and recessed mounting fixture. Resistant to foot and vehicle traffic and available in 4 lengths.
The body is made of aluminium, the flange and mechanical detailing are made of AISI 316 marine stainless steel. Combined with the high protection rating of IP67 (recessed version) or IP66 (surface mounting version). This means that Flure is suited to a wide range of challenging environments. The recessed ground mounting version is available with symmetrical and asymmetrical beam, while the adjustable and fixed surface, wall and ceiling mounting versions have a symmetrical beam.